Gardening as a hobby has always been proved to be a progressive way towards life. To develop a garden is an optimistic way of living, it’s like one believes in the future and growth. Not only have these plants helped in giving the most positive vibes to the surrounding you live in. As a hobby, gardening can provide real diversion. Everybody would like to do this. By watching plants generate in front of your eyes, people feel rejuvenated and relaxed. One starts connecting with the ongoing growth of the plants. Thus planting plants and trees can have a beneficial role in human life. Research shows that gardening can improve your mood and help you cope with stress and depression. In addition to this, hanging basket plants are there to enhance your garden’s beauty.
Gardening can have endless benefits as a hobby. But the real struggle starts with the choice of plants you might require to have a beautiful and soul-soothing garden. Looking at today’s hectic generation that believes in cosy living spaces due to the scarcity of open spaces as well as fast-paced life, you shall have to consider a small but attractive garden to fulfil your gardening hobby. Recently, there has been an increasing trend of hanging plantations in your garden area considering the small space people live in.
Hanging plants are a creative and attractive way to add plants to small living spaces. You can always add greenery in your room or kitchen or even living area through small but authentic hanging plants. The question that arises now is what kind of plants you shall consider for hanging plantations? Well, here is the answer for you’re this doubt at least in both the categories of flowery plantations as well as without flowery plants.
Hanging Basket Flowery Plants
Some of the best hanging basket flowery plants that will exemplify the look of your garden are mentioned below:
Strawberries are not only summer’s favourite dessert fruit. It is also a plant that is quite easy to grow in hanging containers or set up. Strawberry is distantly related to rose, so the flower of strawberry is very beautiful. It also has a mild and pleasant fragrance. Of course, you will get the benefits of fruit, flowers as well as a good attractive hanging plant.
Triangularis Oxalis
It is a good option in the category of hanging plants. It is also known as “purple clover.” Triangularis Oxalis is a brightly coloured hanging plant that can grow indoors and outdoors. Its leaves are open during the day and closed at night and are very popular. The planter should be careful where to place it, as these hanging basket plants can be toxic to homely pets like cats and dogs.
Fuchsia pendant
A really good option when one is considering hanging plants in their respective areas. But before leaping towards fuchsia you should know that fuchsia doesn’t grow well in hot weather, but they are great as summer hanging plants and will attract the best environment. They thrive on the coast or in cool places.
Ivy Geranium
This is also a good hanging plant one can consider involving in their list. This plant is very suitable for warm and sunny areas. These are kinda low maintenance flowery plants. They are very popular on window sills as they can be used to keep away flies during summers.
This best hanging Lobelia plant has an incredibly strong vibrant blue colour. It is a bit rare in the plant world. So these are mostly available at expensive prices but are really worthy of investment when you are a pure plant lover. You can grow them in a cool, shady climate.
Begonia boliviensis
One of the best hanging flower plants one can think of. The variety of hanging Begonia looks the most attractive due to its unique angel-winged shaped leaves. These can survive in both the weather that is in the sun or the shade. These become of so huge size that they can fill the entire container.
Scaevola Aemula
These hanging basket plants are also known as “Blue Wonder.”This is a very effective drought-tolerant plant. This is the reason why it is often called a fan flower. It has beautiful fan-shaped blue flowers. Due to its vibrant shape, it looks gorgeous in any hanging basket. Another advantage of Scaevola is that the planter need not worry about its survival when it is fully grown.
Black eyed Susan vine
This is another best hanging plant. Most vine varieties don’t disappoint you. Black-Eyed Susans mostly grow quite quickly and aggressively. They are great creepers so that they can actually climb the basket shelves of nearby trees for basic growth. They are incredibly easy to maintain and give very colourful flowers. The gardener can also consider planting them along fences, walls, or trees.
It’s the finest hanging plant and a most common one too. Petunia is a tender permanent in most places. However, you can have many modern hybrids that are now grown as annuals in all cold zones. Its large number of flowers also makes the petunia an ideal choice for hanging baskets. However, you should be aware that some varieties require a bit of regular trimming.
Last but not least in this list of best hanging plants. These even grow in poor soil and lots of sunlight or partial shade. This can prove to be the best low-maintenance hanging plant, especially considering its creeping species. Most nasturtiums are annual, but some can grow as perennials.
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Hanging Basket Non-flowery plants
Some of the best hanging basket non-flowery yet beautiful plants to enhance your visual senses are mentioned below:
Pearl chain
The Pearl chain pendant is one of the best-looking hanging plants. The reason you might believe in this is that the moist pendant looks damn attractive within its appearance. Because of its eye-catching beaded appearance, it looks like an awesome covering plant with the best coverage. It is also a drought-resistant plant as it can grow in even the worst climates.
Another good variety of flower-less hanging plants is Pothos. This is an easy-to-plant foliage plant. This can grow well indoors and can survive in darker rooms where there happens to be no reach of sunlight. In addition, it also has filtration properties that can even purify the air in the home. It also absorbs and removes certain chemicals and toxins within the surroundings.
Boston Ferns
You can always trust the fact that Boston fern is the best variety of hanging plants. This tropical houseplant has only one major disadvantage: it requires constantly moist soil. However, if you live in a place with a milder climate, Boston ferns can also flourish successfully outdoors for almost a whole year-round.
Spider Plant
This is another great variety of hanging plants. You might even have observed them in the nearby surroundings but not aware of their name. These are like yellow and green indoor potted plants. However, these can even be grown in hanging baskets outdoors. These might prove to be the lowest demanding plants like direct sunlight. These are efficient enough to tolerate part of the sunlight.
Fountain Grass
You can use dwarf fountain grass to add size and texture to your basket. These are small but constant blooming providing whole coverage to the basket it grows into. You shall just give it plenty of sunshine, and these low-maintenance hanging plants will reward you in abundance. These might grow throughout the year or even permanently if taken good care of.
Sedum morganianum
This is most often regarded as a donkey tail. This long-tailed tender plant has vibrant huge green leaves. These can prove to be very attractive to the visitors. These are good enough to gain people’s attention as a hanging plant. It is best grown in full-sufficient sunlight. It needs to be watered regularly and moderately throughout the year except in winter.
Painted Lady
These are very beautiful plants that have two-toned leaves. These appearances make these plants attractive plants. These little rosettes have an excellent tolerance for warm climates making them a good choice for hanging container plants. Once established, they can tolerate long periods of time without the water content. Considering this, they usually bloom in the warmer months however can also survive mild winters too.
Madagascar Vinca
This would be a great choice for hanging plant consideration. This plant has great heat tolerance features making its survival possible even in warm weather. In fact, it blooms well during the summer climate. This can however perform best with the combination of water and heat.
Well, this was a small yet useful list for the best varieties of hanging plants when you desire to have the best quality and quantitative plants in your hanging garden. No consideration how small your garden will be, you can always include hanging plants in your gardening list. So, if you have a garden on your mind, you shall always look into the enlisted plants with good affordability and an attractive appearance.