It was all speculation whether the schools should open or not or should continue with the online teaching programs. After numerous discussions and talking, the central government has given the full right to the state governing bodies to select their own method of opening or closing the school based on their state situation. As we know that each and every state is very different when it comes to the COVID cases. Based on such a decision of the government the Punjab government has declared to open schools in a part by part program. Just to observe how students react and how coronavirus also reacts. This was also the plan of multiple states of India.
Punjab: Genome sequencing shows Delta variant in all positive cases
So, the government school at Palahar in Talwara block of Punjab’s Hoshiarpur district was shut down on Thursday after 13 students tested positive for Covid-19. All infected students are aged 16 years or below. This has made the people scared the school bodies and everyone. Alarmed at the resurgence of Covid cases, the health department has stepped upsampling and ordered strict adherence to safety protocols. In another report, a government school in Hoshiarpur city was closed as three students tested positive for coronavirus infection. District epidemiologist DP Singh said that samples of all possible contacts of the infected students were being taken and the school had been shut for 10 days.
The school authorities said that the entire campus had been sanitized. They, however, admitted that the mask-wearing norm was not being followed strictly. Nothing is known yet what the future education system brings for us but certainly, it is not something to not to worry about but strict action and decision both should be taken in order to work efficiently.