A 2.5 Fish Gallon or commonly known as a nano tank (each tank under 5 gallons is commonly known as a nano tank). They can add an aesthetic touch to a small space or office in your home. This 2.5-gallon small tank can be placed in any area without much thinking.
This tank requires fewer cleaning activities, comes at low prices, and is simple to follow, and along with it, can accommodate the number of decent fish. Small tanks are always easily managed and can be the best choice for beginners. However, some people regularly try to choose what kind of fish to choose.
However, with a small size tank like 2.5 gallons, it can always be a confusing decision to find the best fish for the tank. So, below, we will discuss the best fish for a 2.5-gallon tank. But before that, let’s look at the tank 2 to 3 the best gallons out there!
What is the best way to set up a 2.5-gallon fish tank?
This is an additional setting guide for all my readers out there. You can follow this step-by-step guide.
Placing your 2.5-gallon fish tank is very important, not just for appearance but also for your water animal health right in the tank. All things considered, get away from daylight directly, from various children and also far from where many people are moving.
Addition of substrates and other decorations
After placing your tank, you need to add a substrate that can be sand or gravel and make sure to make it behind. However, observe the first few weeks before releasing your fish in the tank. You can also add wood or other decorations according to your choice, but make sure you don’t like something you don’t like your fish
Addition of water and plants
Now start adding water slowly in your tank in such a way that it doesn’t cause clouding (you can use the air duct). Fill water to the substrate level and plant your plants using tweezers. Fill half of the tank with water using the airline, and the other half with a bucket using a true filter chamber, but be careful not to disturb your plants.
Now it’s time for you to organize all your equipment in your aquarium. It includes filters, heaters, and light. Etc. After you have finished installing everything, turn on your filter and wait.
If you have followed the upper step correctly, you have finished setting your 2.5-gallon tank. Now you have to wait for your tank to be an adult. You are not ready to release your fish in the tank. After waiting around 24-48 hours, you can start adding fish slowly.
20 Best Fish for 2.5 Gallon Tank in 2021
Tetra Bloodfin

Bloodfin Tetra is small fish that seem small but elegant. You can save at least 3 in a 2.5-gallon tank; They do not like to live alone, so make sure to buy at least 2-3 for your tank. You can keep a maximum of 5 tetras Bloodfin in a 2.5-gallon tank. They are very active and can easily live up to 10 years, but for that, you need to take care of them properly and give them the proper care. Tetras Bloodfin can be easily recognized because of the unique features of the silver body.
Bloodfin is associated with Ember tetras and neon tetras, and they can easily survive even in cold waters. The water temperature was 68º to 78º Fahrenheit enough, but the fish showed better shadows at higher yields than the range. They are not fussy about water science, performing admirably with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0 in the smooth water of up quite loud. Their main food includes flake food and freeze-dried.
Betta Fish

One of my favourite fish is a small tank, and there are many reasons for that. Unlike other fish, it is recommended that you should save betta alone in the tank and they require minimal space to keep them. They can even survive a small fish happily.
Must not unite the two men as they are also known as fish fighters, and they will fight with full aggression that injures others. Most importantly, they do not make your tank filthy. They are very clean. Therefore you do not need to frequently change the water aquarium. There can be no better than a fish betta for the beginner aquarist.
Small Barbs
Fish small spines can be of various categories; There are many varieties of thorns. But, stick boxes and cherry sticks are the most suitable for a 2.5-gallon tank. Because these fish are very small and keeping them in small quantities often causes aggression between them, so you have to keep at least five spines on 2.5 gallons of your tank.
Small Barb dirt fish are fun and should be kept in bunches in the aquarium. In the same way as other small shoaling fish, these small spines have a hierarchy where each fish has a level of strength. Thus consistently strengthening the structure of the group, thereby fighting and chasing are custom events for them.
Small Tetras

Tetras can be of different types, but all these tetras look great in a small tank of 2.5 gallons. Neon tetras are black and stand out from the rest of tetras. You may need to put in some extra plants inside because these fish like to hide and keep the peace.
They are different, so they are the right decisions for small aquariums. All things considered, this fish is peaceful. In case you need a peaceful fish, but obviously, there are some fish tetras that you can store in a 2.5-gallon tank, for example, neon tetra, cardinal tetra, lemon tetra, and black tetra. Ruby tetra, so you can choose which one you like.

Danios are kept and an ideal fish for beginners. Although, I have stated temperature and ideal conditions for them; They can adjust easily to all types of temperatures and conditions. Danios are active and eat a variety of foods, so you can feed them whatever fish you choose.
They can be easily recognized in the rest of the fish because horizontal stripes are unique and bright. Another handsome species is the Zebra Danio Danio; You also can keep them while choosing the best fish for a tank of 2.5 gallons. Danios rather stay in small groups and can even live with other fish. However, do not keep fish that have such long fin Betta; They will bite and tear the fins.
Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach is a great option for those searching for something different for their 2.5-gallon tank. They will hide most of the time of day and be active at night and live at the bottom of the tank. They will, in general, become strong and seem to be eternal in the aquarium and live side by side with their kind as others.
These fishes have a strict diet, so it’s not recommended for beginners. You need to choose their food carefully if you want to save it for them to last for years. Kuhli Loach often likes to stay hidden, so if you are fishing to keep them, it is obliged to make some types of hidden places like tunnels and they often like to drown at the bottom of the tank.
Livebearers are small

These fish are small and look funny in small tanks and are available in various colours, but they make a large amount of waste in the aquarium. Therefore, if you get it, you have to clean your ears more often than usual, which can be very painful. The tip of the pro from an expert Aquarists is that if you want to save small livebearers in your 2.5-gallon tank, you must reduce the number of fish so they can’t make a big mess.
Plates had a sharp nose, big eyes, and a body that was thick enough from their nose to their dorsal bar. Their body tightens towards their tail, making them not mistaken than the middle of their bodies. They have dorsal bills, butt-centric and tail, and a tail formed by fans. They look very cute and are often liked by children. Plates are perfect for beginners and a 2.5-gallon tank because they are very maintained and take care of them. They come in various colour choices: blue, red, white, yellow, and orange with different nuances too.
Molly Black
Black Molls are one of the best freshwater aquarium fish because they are active swimmers so they need a larger aquarium for long-term success. You can follow 5 black Molls per 10 gallons of aquarium fish tanks.
Tetra black skirt

Tetras Skirted Black is a small fish that requires a small aquarium, so you have to be careful to keep them in a bigger Aquaria because they can eat each other if it’s kept alone in the aquarian environment in a more natural home. They have extraordinary colours and aquarists like to see colourful environmental aquarium environments. Aquarists are the best home for them because their living actions make a colourful aquarium. In 10 gallons of water, aquarists can keep up to 5 tetras black skirts.
Tetra Cave Tetra

Tetras blind cave is one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish among aquarists because they have beautiful colours and interesting behaviour in Aquaria. They need a small room with clean water to live comfortably without problems, so it’s better to maintain a minimum of 5 or 6 Tetras caves per 10 gallons of fish tanks.
Pygmy salt and pepper

Aquarists can provide a very small Aquaria, so they need a lot of space and like the Aquarium Environmental Aquarium Fish Tanks hideout is the best home for them because their living actions make a colourful aquarium more naturally see a more natural home at home. They have extraordinary colours and aquariums. For every 10 gallons of aquarium fish tanks, aquarists can keep up to 5 or 6 salts and pepper.
Guppy wild type

Guppies should not be a new name for you if you are a fan of the aquarium. This is one of the most commonly stored fish in a tank. However, Guppy wild type is rather exotic than ordinary guppies and can live well in a 2.5-gallon tank.
Gupupan wild is small and looks good, more importantly, they only need a few litres of water to live. Usually, this fish is stored in a squeezed condition. It is very important to isolate the same as eliminating the weakness of the meeting. However, they become easily sick, and therefore you may need help from antibacterial drugs for treatment.

These fish will add more colours and flexibility to your fish tank. Swordtail is a very beautiful fish, their extraordinary fins with different colours make it unique, making it usually mentioned as red swordtails or Swordtails Green.
They are not school fish. However, they can live easily in groups. Something that makes them very famous is their toughness because they easily survive in different conditions. They can easily discard and comfortably stay in a small area, which makes them an ideal choice for a 2.5-gallon tank.
White Cloud Mountain Minnow

White Cloud Mountain Minnows is another great Aquarists included in the Livebearers group which includes Aquarists, Mollies, and Swordtails, etc. They have beautiful colours, so Akuaris like to save them in Aquaria because of their bright colours.
White Cloud Mountain Minnow 2.5 Oz Aquarium / Aquarium: Due to their active swimming behaviour, White Cloud Mountain Minnows require a larger aquarium to swim freely. The aquarist can keep up to 6 fish per 10 gallons of water or 1 fish per gallon of water.
Cory Lele
Cory Lele is a lower feeder. They are one of the most beautiful aquarium fish and are also found in many aquaria. It is characterized by their excellent capabilities when they are eager to consume the remaining foods that are passed by other fish when feeding time comes.
Cory Lele 2.5-gallon or Nano Aquarium: Cory Lele is an active swimmer, so larger aquariums are needed so that they swim freely. You can follow 8 Cory Catfish in a 5-gallon aquarium but they will do well with a small group of 3 or 4 individuals stored in larger aquariums like 20 gallons of fish tanks etc.
Dwarf gourami

Gouramis Dwarfs is the only fish in this list that I will consider semi-aggressive sometimes. They are beautiful, mostly peaceful and can be a very good community fish. However, if you have a partner, they can fight, or one might bully it. To reduce the possibility of this incident, try to avoid two males in the same tank. It is also a good idea to include some good hiding places in your aquarium so that the intimidated fish have a place to hide.

Otos is a cute little female fish, and among the best algae eaters for smaller tanks. They look like small plecos, and they stick to the glass and decor the same way. But, unlike Plecos, they remain small and you can have a dozen or more in a 20-gallon tank. However, it is suggested to keep their number around 6-8 to make sure they all have something to eat. Along the lines, you will want to complete their diet with wafer algae
Harlequin Rasbora

These are beautiful fish, which must be stored in school at least six. They are pleasant community fish, and their orange/red colouration contrasts dramatically with their black counterparts. The 20-gallon tank planted with ten Neons and ten Harlequin Rasboras will look amazing! It should be noted that all the small fish that I recommend must be stored with other small fish. For big fish they have lunch!

Neons are small fish and pieces that need to be stored with other people of their kind. A neon or more than a dozen schools in a well-planted tank look amazing but make sure to have at least six. There are other tetra types that you might consider too. Some sizes and behaviour are similar to neon, such as black neon and cardinal tetras. The other is a little bigger, like a black tetras skirt.
The Final Words
We hope we can help you find the best products in your search and provide information about what type of fish tank is good for beginners or sophisticated fans. In addition, a 2.5-gallon tank can be the perfect choice for starters or for someone who does not have much space at home or office, but still wants to keep the fish tank. The best fish for a 2.5-gallon tank is easily maintained compared to other bigger tanks.
Therefore this list is made so you choose the best fish for a 2.5-gallon tank. It includes all the other things you need to know about a 2.5-gallon tank including a very easy setting guide to follow. There is no better choice than a 2.5-gallon fish tank to start your aquarist journey. So what are you waiting for? Enough to install your mind, get a 2.5-gallon tank and be spoiled in the beauty of the underwater world.
You might also be interested to know the Top 5 Best Aquarium Filters for your Aquarium.