Cats are generally domestic animals which means they can be kept at home along with the human species. Cats are scientifically known as ‘Felis cause’ and they are a species of small carnivorous mammal. Their lifespan is from 2 to 16 years. It’s very easy to maintain their lifestyle, i.e. both in health and in food habits. To talk elaborately, proper vaccination and routine-wise health checkups along with proper hygiene are what is needed for their health maintenance. In this article, we will highlight the Best Cat Breed to keep as Pets in India-Cat price in India. To move on, if we talk about their food habits, they can have most of the foods that are consumed by human beings. So, maintaining their lifestyle is not a tough job though. But the food, which should be avoided for cats are listed below:-
- Bananas
- Alcohol
- Fats products
- Beverages or any kind of liquid except water
- Raisins
- Grapes etc.
Benefits of having a cat as a pet?
- Cats are low-maintenance and independent
- They are good companies that can fill the void when you are living on your own
- Studies show that the lifetime resources needed to feed and care for a cat have a smaller carbon footprint than for other animals.
- If you are not a fan of rats or mice in your home, owning a cat will take care of that right away.
Best Cat Breed to keep as Pets in India – Cat price in India
There are varied types of breeds of cats but every cat is not meant for family. Some are for the farms too. So, let us know the Best Cat Breed to keep as Pets in India – Cat price in India.
Bombay Cat

Bombay cats are very opinionated cats whose origin is from the United States, Thailand. They are named ‘Bombay cat’ because they are black cats of the Asian Group. These cats are short-haired cats whose hair is completely black in color. They are family-friendly and are of minimal maintenance and require weekly brushing and shed less fur than normal cats. This cat price in India ranges from Rs. 37,243.62 to Rs. 52,141.08. The Bombay Cats are very easy to recognize. They have a completely black coat in their entire body and have a copper-colored eyes. This is what distinguishes them from the other cats.
Siamese Cat

Siamese cats are basically aggressive cats and they too originally hail from Thailand. These cats are perfect to be a domestic ones and are one of the first distinctly recognized cat breeds. These cats seek much love and attention and can survive in low maintenance too. But, they need a good brushing weekly for maintaining the good shine of the body. They in general, don’t need to be groomed because they themselves are sufficient to groom themselves. This cat price in India ranges from Rs.15,000 to Rs. 35,000 depending on the city. Siamese Cats have an excessive biting nature. This is because they are very demanding and if it doesn’t work according to them they tend to bite. They are excessively energetic and needy in nature.
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Maine Coon

Maine coon cats are considered to be one of the oldest breeds of cats around the globe. They are generally golden in color with a shaggy coat and medium length legs and big paws. They hold the feature of a rounded-shaped eye. These cats are basically from Maine, New England. The breed ranges from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 45,000. The Maine Coon breeds are one of the cutest breeds among the cats. These cats too need minimal maintenance but strong grooming. As these cats are large in their physical appearance, so they consume a large space and need proper exercise.
Their maintenance slightly differs from the other breeds of cats. The Maine Coon needs a bath at least once a month. This is because it will help these breeds to control the shedding of their furs. Maine Coon breeds are most common to get allergic and they get allergic if they come in contact with any plastic materials. These breeds can’t even have fish, meat, chocolates, gluten, etc. too. Adding to their character, these breeds have good hunting skills.
Persian Cat

Persian cats hail originally from Iran. They have long white hair with round faces, short muzzles, and shimmering eyes. These cats are of extremely high maintenance and need frequent grooming. The Persian cats are super sociable, smart, and are great all around. These cats’ price range of Rs.18,000 across India. As these breeds are human friendly, so one must buy these breeds for home. These breeds are attention seekers and are very choosy with their food. They are choosy as long as something strikes their taste buds. They need to be fed food with high protein and fiber and with low fats.
American Bobtail

As the name says, they originated from America and have a bobtail feature in their appearance. These cats are considered to be one of the most uncommon breeds among the cats but are domesticated. The American Bobtail cats don’t have any defined body color or pattern, they have varied patterns and colors. These cats have an athletic and muscular appearance and are excessively heavy in weight. The American Bobtail cats range from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 with a lifespan of 15 years. This breed is very fun-loving and loves to play games a lot. They generally love to play the game hide and seek. These cats are happy-go-lucky breeds and also can be trained very easily.
Spotted cat

They are called so because their whole body is painted with spots. They generally hail from Southern India and Sri- Lanka. Their lifespan is 15 years and is of extremely low maintenance. To consider the physical feature, they have oval-shaped paws with average-shaped legs. This cat price in India ranges from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 throughout India. As these cats belong from India, they are suited to its temperature and climatic change. If we come to their food habits, they even have birds, domestic ducks, poultry, etc. They are very adorable in nature and are extremely human-friendly. So, adopting these breeds wouldn’t be a wrong decision indeed.
Exotic Cats

Exotic cats are generally from Persia. They are short-haired cats who have a flat nose with a short body and thick necks, thick legs, etc. Their price ranges of Rs. 25,000 and their lifespan is from 12 to 15 years. They have all traits of being a Persian Cat. The Exotic Cats too are of low maintenance. They need a brush once a week for the better shining of their coat. These cats do not maintain a food regime by having protein or nutrients like other cats. They love to have ‘Fancy feast gravy lovers poultry and beef feast variety-packed canned food’, ‘blue buffalo wilderness chicken recipe grain-free dry cat food’, ‘ Riki cat queen Emma luau variety pack grain-free canned cat food’ etc. All these above foods are available online for easy purchase.
Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian cats are cats that belong from South East Asia. They are family-friendly cats who make a great family and are very active, playful, and joyful cats. These cats are great cats one can adopt. They are medium-sized cats who too are of short-haired, long, and lithe bodies, slender legs, and almond-shaped eyes. These types of cats hold body colors like brown, red, blue, fawn, silver, lilac, chocolate, etc. The prices of these cats range from Rs. 30,000 and their lifespan is 15 years.
The Abyssinian cat’s food manner is that they love to eat 10 to 15 times a day. These cats just love to talk very much so they are generally known for their talkative nature. They need low maintenance and grooming and also are less allergic. The Abyssinian cats are very active in nature and love to play a lot, whether it is with their own toys or with their parents or friends. They are very friendly in nature and not jealous in character. These cats can adapt to the company of dogs, cats, and other pets. They are one among the lovable and sociable cats.
Not just cats, dogs can too be your faithful little friends forever. So, know the Best Dog Breeds in India – Price, Lifespan & More
American shorthair cat

American shorthair cat, as its name says, belongs from the United States. These cats hold the physical feature of round faces and short ears. These cats are extremely low- maintenance and are very sociable. They are sociable not only with their family but with strangers too. These cats don’t even need much grooming. They can groom themselves up. They are also known for their companionship with their family. This cat price in India ranges from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 and their lifespan is 15 years. Despite being a companion cat and adorable ones they too have a food chart. The American shorthair cat needs to get feed 10 to 15 times a day. They should be fed with ‘ Royal Canin American Shorthair Dey Cat Food’, ‘Natural Balance Wet Care Food’, ‘Nom Nom Fresh Cat Food’ etc. Moreover, foods with high carbohydrates artificially added food colors, preservatives should be avoided.
The American shorthair cats are healthy in nature because of their characteristics, so there can be some health issues that generally the cats with these breeds face. The diseases such as hypertrophic, hyperplasia, and cardiomyopathy are observed in these cats. Though it is observed but cannot be considered as common in these breeds. As playing outdoor is not much possible in today’s era, so these breeds tend to increase their weight which in return makes them obsessed.
Birman Cat

Birman cats are one of the beautiful cat breeds. They hail from Burma and later get transported to France. These cats are considered to be the ‘Sacred Cats of Burma’. To consider its physical features, it has deep blue eyes, a broad skull that is round in shape, a Roman nose, and medium-sized ears. These breeds have medium-sized fur that is silky and smooth. They have a survival period of 15 years and costs around Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000.
These breeds too need extreme low maintenance. Brushing them once or twice a week do. They can be considered sociable cats and are much friendly in nature. They love to stay with people because that is where they find their comfort zone. Birman cats are one of the most wonderful cats with much ease to train. They hold the dog-like behavior in them such as –
Running throughout the house by pulling the blankets, loving to play with toys, etc. They too have a particular food chart and that is- ‘Nom Nom Chicken Cuisine’, ‘Whole Earth Farm Grains- Free Real Turkey & Duck Recipe Dry Cat Food’ etc. Moreover, these cats are affectionate, gentle, curious, and friendly in nature and are totally domesticated material. If we move on to their food habits, they basically need to have adult cat foods. They should be fed with high protein and nutrients like the foods – beef, meat, fish, etc. These breeds too need minimal maintenance. They need brushing once or twice a week which helps them to control their shedding of furs and removes the dead skin and cells. Brushing also helps to maintain their body shine.
Summing Up
It can be said that cats are always adorable but their character has a biting nature, despite how trained or international they are. Added to this, every cat needs brushing only the frequency of brushing is different in every cat. Some need it once or twice a week and some need it only once a week. The same applies to their food habits too. Some cats need to get fed with high proteins and fibers while some need to stay away from these. Though cats are adorable in nature, the cats sometimes carry very harmful germs which may spread illness among people and can result from minor illness to some serious issues too. To conclude, we can say that cats are very human-friendly and lovable in nature, so they can be domesticated.