There is nothing that can make us feel worse than having a terrible headache. Headaches have the power to ruin your entire day. It stops you from doing anything until it goes away. If the headache is too severe then you can’t help but cry out of frustration. Sometimes it feels like someone is punching your skull, and this is the time we get ready to do anything to make this pain go away. Some people consume more than 4-5 painkillers a day to get a few hours of peaceful sleep, away from the terrible migraine. But this is not a good thing to practice. You need to try something more natural and safe. Trying tea for headaches can be a good alternative to taking painkillers. Drinking a nice hot cup of tea will save you from the pain the next time it arrives.
Is Tea Good For Headaches?
If you are someone who suffers from headaches and migraines frequently then it is better to find solace in tea than consuming tons of medicines. There is plenty of tea for headaches available which may help in pain relief. Tea leaves are used for many medicinal purposes, so it should not come as a surprise to know that tea for headaches has actually helped people escape the discomforting pain.
There is hardly anyone who hates tea, it is a popular beverage in the world after water. Seeing the positive effect tea has on our moods and pains, many cultures across the globe have been using drinking tea for headaches as a health-boosting practice. Besides wiping out headache pains, drinking a hot cup of tea has many health benefits, like regular tea drinkers were found to have lower rates of cancer and heart disease.
Should You Avoid Caffeinated Teas For Headaches?
The answer is it depends. It depends on you and the type of headache you have. But a health expert advises avoiding teas for headaches that have an excessive amount of caffeine. Shift your focus more towards herbal tea for headaches and migraines. It is true that caffeine works faster than herbal teas. But it can also trigger or deepen headaches the next time it comes. So, it is better to avoid any kind of risk when it comes to headaches and sticks to natural and more trusted methods of removing the pain, especially if you don’t know how your headaches respond to caffeine.
Best Teas For Headaches That Will Relief Pain Quickly
There is not a single person who hasn’t experienced at least one or few headache pains during our life. All of us have different types of pain. Some may be less serious, while others may be a sign of serious health issues. Whatever it is, there is no harm in trying herbal teas, but ask your doctor about it, just for extra safety. Teas may help with headaches caused by stress, tension, less sleep, dehydration, or inflammation. This list of the best tea for headaches will help reduce the consistency of the pain. Furthermore, it will offer you some relief you were craving.
Ginger Tea
Ginger in anything could never go wrong. Today, ginger is easily available in markets and is the most common ingredient in the kitchen. The best part about ginger teas is that they are 100% natural and have no side effects. Experts have even said that ginger teas for headaches are as efficient as regular medicines. A hot cup of tea made with 3-4 grams of ginger juice or its smashed pieces will free you from the throbbing pain almost immediately.
Also, know the Best Green Tea Brands in India
Feverfew Teas

This tea is not our regular cup of tea- literally. But it may be one of the best tea for headaches. Feverfew tea also known as Tanacetum parthenium is made of 100% organic remedies for treating headaches and migraines and is even effective for another type of pain. They are not easily available, you might have to do a little work to find these. Researchers are using the tea’s sample to understand exactly what kind of herb is working so effectively against the worst kind of headache pains.
Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is the safe place people run towards first to escape the hair-pulling frustration of having a headache. The main reason can be that the tea actually does its work. Peppermint teas have proved to be the best natural pain relief and it works excellently on headaches caused due to tensions. This is the most common type of headache which a soothing cup of peppermint tea will help vanish. You can make your peppermint tea even more effective by adding other herbs and spices like lavender and ginger for more healing effects.
Chamomile Tea

This is probably the best tea for headaches that has widespread popularity. It doesn’t matter what kind of headache you have, a hot cup of Chamomile Tea will do wonders and help you feel calmer. The most effective result of drinking Chamomile tea is that it reduces inflammation immediately, which could have been the cause of your headache. It is reported that people who drink this herbal tea regularly have a more peaceful mind which in turn lessens their stress and anxiety level, which could have been a contributing factor for headaches.
Clove Tea
Clovers are a famous herb used in many medicinal fields. They are famous for having properties similar to painkillers but all-natural and organic. The pain-fighting property of cloves has frequently been used ingredients in many medicines and organic dishes. Drinking a cup of clove tea for headaches magically lessens or can even completely remove the pain. It works within an hour of drinking it. Cloves work on a chemical level to reduce or suppress the pain, they work their best in inflammation cases and increase blood circulation, even the doctors recommend drinking clove tea for natural removal of pain.
Sometimes a headache is not caused due to some disease or if you know they are not that severe. In that case, try sticking to herbal teas. Because there is nothing better than having your pain taken away naturally without any side effects than eating medicines unnecessarily.