Looking for a new dog companion, are you? Let us help you in finding your perfect best friend. Now dogs are cute, but what’s cuter are puppies. So imagine if your dog grew big inside the body of a puppy! You guessed it right, we are talking about the pocket dogs of India. Unless you are looking for a guard dog, small dogs are the easiest to pet. Due to their size, they are often known as “toy breeds”. These dogs are very popular due to their low maintenance, sharp minds and are best for your Instagram.
List of 10 Pocket Dogs of India that will steal your heart
1. Pugs

Pugs also popularly known as the “vodafone dog”, cost around 20k-25k are the cutest, non-violent dogs you can get. These playful dogs can be your child’s best mate. Although pugs are prone to breathing diseases, so you should gear up for regular visits to the vet. With a lifespan of 6-10 years, the clowns of the canine world bring joy to families with their antics. Pugs, however, can be difficult to train and are very lazy dogs. These dogs can grow up to 31-33cms and can weigh around 6.5-7.5 kgs. Pugs are known to have a balanced temperament, and their personality makes them an ideal family dog. They are the best choice when looking for an apartment-friendly, easy to maintain dog. Pugs are social dogs and need constant attention or they might slip into depression, so remember to spend time with them.
2. Beagles

Looking for a dog with amazing smell sensing capabilities, isn’t this cute one the best option? They cost around 18k-20k and can weigh up to 10-12 kgs. Beagles are considered to be very smart and have noses better than Pinnochio did. These friendly dogs have fewer health issues, so visits to the vet will be less frequent. Their life span ranges from 12 to 15 years and can grow up to 33-41 cms. Beagles make excellent family dogs. These dogs do not have a temperament, which makes them very lovable, however, like other hunting dogs Beagles too are strong-headed.
These scent hounds may sometimes get distracted while training if they catch a peculiar smell which may make training them difficult. Due to their strong determination, it is difficult to train them, but with patience and reward-based training, you will get through. Beagles thrive in Indian weather conditions as their short coat protects them from the climatic conditions of the subcontinent. They are extremely friendly with kids, and you and your family will love a Beagle’s playful and loving nature. Beagles are blessed with good digestive systems and immune systems too.
3. Pomeranian

Game of Thrones fans gear up, coz this little dog costing around 3k-7k will remind you of “Ghost” for sure. Descended from the German Spitz, this breed is very active and playful and weighs about 1.36-4 kgs. Do not confuse this breed with the Indian Spitz, they are very distinct dogs. Moreover, if you are a cat person, rest assured this dog will befriend your cat, unlike other breeds. But you may have to keep a vacuum cleaner handy because they shed a lot of furs and need frequent grooming.
With their fox-like appearance and an enhanced sense of hearing, they can be a perfect guardian for a family. These dogs love cuddles, and you might find them on your lap frequently. They are very friendly with kids and other pets. And no we are not the only one’s obsessed with this breed, Queen Victoria is known for having adopted 30 Pomeranians at the same time once. With a lifespan of 12-16 years, these curious creatures can grow up to 20-36cms.
4. Chihuahua

Costing around 7k- 25k, these goofy creatures might make your purse, their home. These are the smallest dogs available and can fit in your purse without any issues. However, there are few breeders breeding this dog. They grow up to 15-20 cm are natives of Mexico and a preferred pet breed. A newborn chihuahua may weigh only about 28 grams.
They are a rare breed of pocket dogs in India and they might be blessed with a temperament issue. Socialization and exercises are very important for this breed in order to reduce temper issues. With a lifespan of 12-18 years, these dogs make the perfect companion as they love to mingle with family and are a high spirited breed. Due to their habit of getting close to a particular member of the family, they are sometimes referred to as “armpit piranhas”. They are easy to maintain and are well suited for the Indian climate, and do not require much exercise. These dogs are however difficult to train, but with patience be sure to get your dog trained.
5. Poodle

Thinking about entering a dog show? This breed of pocket dogs will definitely help you win it. Poodles are the second smartest dogs in the world. Due to their intelligence, they can perform a wide range of tasks such as fetching the newspaper or disposing of the garbage. They can grow up to 11-17 inches and weigh around 5-9 kgs. These dogs are excellent gun dogs or retrievers and are a preferred breed by bird hunters. Costing around 25k- 35k, they can be of the standard, miniature or toy size.
It is a non-sporting breed. This one is a total diva when it comes down to looks, has curly hair and is loved for it. They require frequent grooming. Their intelligence just adds to their beauty, and they are easy to train. The breed being hypoallergenic makes them fantastic pets for people who are allergic to dog dander. They have an even temperament and are cordial with kids. With a lifespan of 12-14 years, this dog might just be the perfect companion for your kids. The activeness of this breed makes training them a child’s play. Although Poodles may be exposed to a few genetic diseases. Poodles are a common breed in India except for toy poodles.
6. Lhasa Apso

Originated from Tibet, these cuties have a strong sense of hearing and cost around 20k-25k. It is considered by Tibetians that this dog brings good luck to the family. These dogs can grow up to 23-28 cms and weigh around 6-8 kgs. You do not need to take them for long walks as other breeds, they can manage with just walks in the garden. Although, this breed is very picky when it comes to making friends, so remember to be nice to them from the very beginning. Their long hair adds to their charm and these dogs do not shed fur. However, their long hair requires regular grooming.
These pocket dogs thrive in cold climates, their long coat provides excellent protection from the cold. So if you reside in the northern parts of the subcontinent, this is a good choice for you, however, people from the southern parts should avoid petting them, as this breed finds it difficult to adapt to hot and humid conditions. They have a lifespan of 12-15 years but sometimes can live up to 20 years. Lhasa Apso breed is known to be headstrong, which can make training them difficult. You will have to work hard to earn their trust, but once that happens be prepared for a delightful companion. They are known to be amazing indoor guards. These dogs love sitting on their master’s lap and are very fond of cuddles.
7. Indian Spitz

As the name suggests, this is an Indian pocket dog breed, and due to its extremely alert nature, serves as an excellent guard dog. This breed is one of the most famous family dogs in India. Costing around 5k-15k, they have a snow-white coat and are lively dogs. With a lifespan of 10 -14 years, these dogs can grow up to 38-42 cms and can weigh up to 6-15kgs. These dogs can act as guard dogs, and rest assured as long as they guard your house no trespassers will dare to intrude on your property.
However, they are noisy pocket dogs, and their constant barking might disturb your neighbours a bit. Indian Spitz is very adaptable, and thrives in our climatic conditions and can live on Indian food, and are the most suitable pocket dogs for Indian homes. It is incredibly enthusiastic and loyal to their masters. This breed is extremely smart and easy to train, however, keep your guests at bay since they may become aggressive to strangers. They are not expensive and can live in apartments too. This dog however sheds its hair constantly and needs frequent grooming.
8. Dachshund

If you have been living in the subcontinent, you must be familiar with this breed. These dogs are popularly known as “sausage dogs”. It is the most common dog found in India, and costs from 5k-15k and can grow up to 20-23 cms. Despite their unusual shape, they are agile creatures and are in fact popular to be hunting dogs. You might just win a dog show with these creatures, as they can jump very high.
Dachshund dogs have a balanced temperament and can live up to 12-16 years. The dog weighs around 7-14.5kgs and their unique features can make them perfect watchdogs. They have amazing antics and are sure to be head turners wherever they go. They are perfect pets for a family as their playful nature helps in building a rapport with kids and they are extremely loyal to their masters. However, petting this dog will require you to take them out for regular exercise, else boredom will lead to them chewing up your slippers and sure enough, you don’t want that. Even though these breed are pocket dogs, they can be efficient as guard dogs. They are mainly appropriate for large houses.
9. Yorkshire Terrier

Originally from Yorkshire, England, this breed of pocket dogs is one of the most adorable breeds in India and costs from 30k-45k. They can grow up to 6-inches and weigh around 2-5kgs. If your house is infested with rats, take notice that these dogs are great at hunting them. If you live near a farm, this breed is your ideal type. Although they are a rare breed in India and can live up to 13-16 years. These are bold and confident dogs, who are excessively protective about the homes they guard. They are without question, beautiful companions and will keep you amused throughout. These dogs do not shed their hair and do not cause allergies to people. They do not require too much exercise either. Though small, these dogs act as perfect watch dogs. This breed may not be the perfect choice for families with newborn babies and toddlers though.
10. French Bulldog

With its round head, big eyes, and bat-like ears this dog is popular to be a fantastic companion. This breed is said to have descended from Greek Molossian dogs and can have a lifespan of 10-14 years. They weigh around 9-13kgs and can grow up to 11-13 inches. This breed is however rare in India and can cost from 35k-50k. These lively creatures are a smart breed and can be extremely headstrong. Even so, they are extremely friendly not just with kids but with elders too. They do not need much exercise. These funny looking pocket dogs are appropriate for apartments. However, this non-sporting breed can suffer from various health problems and breathing issues. They love companions and are extremely playful.
This was a list of pocket dogs that are best for Indian households. So what are you waiting for, choose from this top 10 small dogs list, and get the perfect pocket dogs that fits your requirements? Furthermore, always buy your pet from a reputable breeder, so that you get a healthy puppy and proper guidance on how to maintain it. You can also read about the highest and strongest currencies in the world here.