Punjab Police on Tuesday said the news of a second blast outside the office of the state police’s Intelligence Wing at Mohali, which is being aired by some national level news channels, is baseless and false. Unethical journalism on such sensitive issues creates an atmosphere of turmoil in the society, the senior superintendent of police (SSP) SAS Nagar (Mohali) Vivek Shil Sony said refuting the news that a second blast took place outside the Mohali intelligence office today. Soni said that a high-level probe into last night’s blast was being carried out and the culprits would be nabbed soon.
Police alert: ‘Very high’ threat of attack by ISI, pro-Khalistan forces in Punjab
Police have detained two youths in connection with the grenade attack at the intelligence wing of Punjab Police at Mohali. In the evening, police said the RPG launcher used in the attack has been recovered and all leads in the case are being pursued meticulously. A number of suspects have been rounded up and are being questioned, police said. The grenade could have been hurled from 100 meters, an official said.
Officials privy to the investigation said, “It seems the accused were hired for the job by people operating from abroad,” said an official. Police are probing the role of gangster-turned-terrorist Harwinder Singh alias Rinda in the blast. Rinda said to be in Pakistan, is wanted in the Nawanshahr police CIA office blast besides the Ferozepur-to-Telangana arms smuggling case.
“What is worrying is that the assailants have dared to attack the intelligence HQ this time. It is disturbing that the terror groups are recruiting youths easily by offering money to carry out such a work,” said an official. According to an earlier report, investigating agencies suspected that there were two persons involved in the attack.