Michaelangelo was the most celebrated artist during the time of the Renaissance. He was a painter, sculptor, architect and poet. Critics consider Michaelangelo to be the greatest artist of all time. He is, undoubtedly, one of the most influential artists of his time and relevant even around 400 years after his death. He was active between 1450 and 1550, and most of his works are during that time. Read on to find out about the best Michaeangelo paintings and artworks.
List of the best Michaelangelo Paintings and Artworks
The Sistine Chapel Ceiling

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling painting is probably the most popular among Michaelangelo paintings, depicting nine instances from Genesis. Pope Julius II commissioned the artwork. Legend has it that Michaelangelo wasn’t very keen to take up the project. The Sistine Chapel has since then been part of several pop culture references, with the conspiracy theorists saying that Michaelangelo hid several anti-Church aspects in the painting.
The Sistine Chapel ceiling has inspired churches all over the world. In India, many Churches in Goa have such images on their ceilings and higher parts of the walls.

Another popular and well-known artwork by Michaelangelo, the sculpture is part of pop culture almost since pop culture became a thing. While it is the most famous sculpture in the world, it’s also an important one. It is the only well-known sculpture that shows David in a thoughtful pose during his fight with Goliath.

If David showed a character in a positive light and was immediately popular. Bacchus was very different. To begin with, it depicted its character in a drunken stupor. The original commissioner of the artwork rejected it. The sculpture depicts the person in a drunken stupor, and, very curiously, with swollen testicles. The sculpture also becomes famous because the penis in the depiction was chiselled off years after being created.
Madonna of Bruges

The sculpture has inspired many artists, Madonna of Bruges depicts Mother Mary and Jesus. This sculpture is rare, as it is one of the few that depicts Christ as a young boy and not an infant or a young man. It became the only one to leave Italy during the artist’s lifetime. The Nazis ransacked it, and the sculpture left its original position during the first French Revolutionary Wars.
The Torment of Saint Anthony

The Torment of Saint Anthony is the first painting by Michaelangelo, and experts concede that he painted this when he was about fifteen years of age. It is one of the only four surviving panel artwork by Michaelangelo. It depicts Saint Antony going under torture by demons in the desert and not giving in to them.

There is no Catholic or art enthusiast who hasn’t seen this artwork. It depicts Mother Mary with the almost dead body of her child, Jesus Christ. The Pieta has been replicated several times and has a place in every Catholic household. The Pieta is carved from a single block of marble, and it now holds pride of place in St. Peter’s Basicilia, Vatican City.

The Moses Sculpture, which now resides in Rome, is a unique depiction of Moses, with horns. It is a marble sculpture and was commissioned by Pope Julius II. It is in the Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli. The sculpture is the central figure in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome. Pope Julius commissioned it as his tomb, but the sculpture was completed only after his death.
The Crucifixion of Saint Peter

The Crucifixion of Saint Peter was the final fresco painting by Michaelangelo. This Michaelangelo painting is important because critics consider a blue turbaned person to be Michaelangelo himself, making this the only self-portrait by the artist. It is now in the Cappella Paolina of the Vatican Palace.
The Last Judgement

The Last Judgement is one of the biggest Michaelangelo Paintings. Historians say that he was almost 67 by the time he got to work on his artwork. The Last Judgement is unique because it has several characters in unique avatars. For example, the Last Judgement is one of the few artworks that have a bearded Christ. Also, the Last Judgement has Mother Mary in a unique stance, where she is not asking for penance but looking away from those destined to hell. The painting turned controversial and has several aspects that set it apart from all others of that time. To begin with, the characters are flabbier, and they aren’t as aesthetic looking as they have in paintings. Not just Mary, several other characters are in different stances.
The Creation of Adam

Who hasn’t seen The Creation of Adam, one of the most popular Michaelangelo paintings. Another famous pop culture reference we see, from music videos to show beginnings to production plates. The Creation of Adam depicts the moment when God creates Adam, and it is one of the most replicated religious paintings ever.
Madonna of the Stairs

Madonna of the Stairs is another relief that Michaelangelo completed when he was a teenager, all of seventeen years. The relief depicts the Virgin Mary either calming down or feeding a Baby Jesus. To date, there has not been any concrete reason behind the background that has some figures either dancing or fighting. Mother Mary is seated on a plank by the stairs.
Rebellious Slave

If you thought sequels and franchises are the stuff of movies and something novel, you have another thought coming. In the 1500s, Michaelangelo created at least two sculptures of the same character, a slave, and all three of these make this list. The Rebellious Slave depictshttps://chandigarhfirst.com/5-unique-resorts-near-mumbai/ a character with his hands bound behind his back but is moving ahead. The artwork does not depict a slave, but the artist, trying to rebel from social norms, now that their commissioner is dead, in this case, the Pontiff.

Brutus is one of the few Non-Catholic artworks that Michaelangelo made. It is the depiction of Brutus, possibly the most famous of Caesar’s assassins. It is one of the most famous busts in history and probably revived the idea of busts. The bust is unique, as it shows Brutus looking sideways, and not towards the audience, as is common when it comes to busts.
The Dying Slave

The Dying Slave is another of Michaelangelo’s sculptures that have captured the imagination of the art-loving public. There are several schools of thought about the sculpture, with some saying that the slave depicted isn’t an actual slave, but a general person, while others think it is one of the first depictions of slavery.

The Crucifix is an artwork by Michaelangelo, which depicts a crucified Jesus Christ. Since then, the Crucifix is an artwork that finds its way in every Catholic Church. Michaelangelo’s depiction of the Crucifix is different from the ones we see in the church because it depicts an unclothed Jesus Christ. The Crucifix is another of the artworks that Michaelangelo created in his teenage and is said to have a connection with Michaelangelo’s expertise when it comes to anatomy. According to historians, Michaelangelo was the guest of Santa Maria del Santo Spirito (Florence)when he was seventeen. He learnt all that he did about anatomy. As a token of thanks for his stay, he created the Crucifix artwork for the place. The artwork has its share of controversy, as it depicts Jesus unclothed. However, Michaelangelo has gone strictly by scripture, which says the Roman soldiers cast lots on his attire.
These are the most famous Michaelangelo paintings and artwork, which you will find placed and stored in some of the most prestigious places globally. Michaelangelo’s work is relevant today because of the various aspects of his artwork, including his distinct attention to body anatomy, the concepts of that time, and the conspiracy theories that have connected themselves to his artwork, which are spoken about even today.
Each of these Michaelangelo paintings continue to inspire artists and people looking to own art. There are several replicas available in the art market that you can look at if you plan to get one of these artworks to decorate your house.
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